Wednesday, October 17, 2007

never seen the sun shining so bright

today was the first rehearsal for 'The University of Bristol Barbershop Singers'. (TUBBS)
our first rehearsal and we already got the news that we're booked for a gig sometime in december and that we'll be on the radio once we get everything together and are able to record something. yipee.. haha but i think its only because one of our tenors is a dj of some radio prog or summat.

im singing 2nd soprano by the way. which is brilliant because most of the time we get to sing the melodies. which to me means that i dont have to wreck my brain trying to harmonize when there are 6 different tones floating around. neither do i have to sing too high or too low.

i think its pretty amazing how low a guys voice can go. one of them reminded me of my double bass days. seriously, he didnt even sound human!

the irony of it all.

we were rehearsing blue skies;

blue skies, smiling at me
nothing but blue skies
do i see

and it was raining jungle cats and bulldogs outside.


Blogger N said...

opuu!! TUBBS i like!! very impressive!

7:39 PM  
Blogger soraya barakbah said...

haha.. its fun!. everyones so happy. eh what happened to ur blog?

8:12 PM  

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