meow click meow
tita, maybe you could help out too..
mama has gone completely whacked!!
the boys (yes, my 3 cats: jimi, carlos and slash) now have their own blog.
ok, which one of you aunties encouraged my mom to do this?
or were you all opposing it as i know a.daing would? forcefully might i add?.
okla. its kinda cute. haha
ok actually, everything i said about my mom having gone bonkers is completely untrue
i think everyone should be told about this and i guess sooner or later the truth will come out eventually. so id rather it come from me
my cats are actually of superior intelligence. yes theyre aliens. this is why they have their own blog and are able to type out their life story. and yes, they have their own computers to do this as well.....
you heard me right!... my cats set up their own blog! they type themselves. and they are of superior intelligence. but not more superior than me of course
ok, i gotta go. phone just beeped. i think jimi just sent me an sms. well it could be carlos or slash.
u r seriously whacked. but, what can i expect fr a person who humours me when i go crazy.
(refer to my blog for details of conversations between syazeleen and soraya)
oi im not the whacked ooonneee.. my mom is! not meeeeeeeeee
so u say..
but there's the bit at the end..
u got an sms from one of ur boys??
that bit is called sarcasm
yeah opu ur whacked.
nanti bila u balik malaysia u tgk jimi main guitar, carlos driving ur red gen2 and slash smoking pot
hahaha terkejut u nanti
see 2nd comment please irwan!
hahahaa... yaya pun dah ngengg sket. i blame the exams in your case. :D
oh opu i baru perasan the cats blog sbb i baru jumpa the link! i thot THIS is the cats blog LOL. cuteness
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