Tuesday, May 01, 2007

bodoh . so so bodoh

matters regarding my missing allowance from BNM have not been resolved
so for now my current account is still in the reds
and my mom cant send me money yet as msia's having public holiday 2 hari or something like that

and because of this, threemobile cant take out payment from my account and
they have decided to cut my line.

so for now, you people in the uk cant contact me via the number i normally use.
in the mean time, u can get me thru the number 07748274231 which i normally only use to call n text international numbers

hopefully ill be able to reconnect my old number once this bank issue is resolved.

bodoh.. so so bodoh.


Blogger muhammad ibnu hamid said...

omg i had the same problem too! they somehow made my bank overdraft, but nasib baik tak potong the line. so so bodoh damn

5:05 PM  

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