Thursday, November 23, 2006

you can not kill the groove

today i watched a murder appeal case before the royal courts of justice

the apellant was appealing for a shorter sentence, based on the factor of self defense and his age. he was 19 when he killed the dude. come on man. im 19, if i kill someone (IF).. im not gonna make them say its coz im too young to know any better or that i thought we were just fooling. the sad thing is, the dudes were probably fighting because of a girl

here's the thing. when i saw the murderer dude come before the court in that cage like thing, my first thought was:

damn right he's HOT!.

i am NOT kidding. so cute and innocent looking

then i felt pity for him coz he was just so cute . he's 22 now btw

then i felt guilty for thinking that

god dammit! HE KILLED SOMEONE.

HOT murderer


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