Tuesday, November 14, 2006

come again another day

come rain, or come shine..

a tree always makes the better of it. both ways, wether theres sunlight on rain, a tree will use the circumstances to its benefit and continue to grow.

why cant i be more like a tree???

when the sun is shining brightly,
i dont face it straight, i shield my eyes with sunglasses, i enclose my skin with sunblock.
and if i dont?

when it rains, like it did today...
i start cursing $%^##*%$#%%^&* like mad. not so silently raged, not liking it ONE BIT.
my umbrella cant hold against the wind, i have to wash my hair again, everythings WET

why cant i be more thankful? why cant i be more like a tree??

fuggedy higgledy piggledy fuuuggg.. weather forecast says its gonna rain again tmrw!!!!!


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