Wednesday, November 15, 2006

no matter what, its always worth it

so they had a law career fair in the wills memorial hall today. initially, i didnt want to go as it wouldnt have been of any use to me because we can only apply for summer placements and such in our 2nd year. BUT after i bumped into a few mates who literally forced me to go for all the free stuff, i complied.

the freebies that latched themselves unto me:

7 pens
a bottle cooler
a mug
a tall glass
jelly bellies
huge mint stick
loads of chocolates
a stressball
a drawstring bag
2 buttons
an electronic calender/calculator
a huge plastic page marker
pack of post its and colourful page markers
a keychain
a few files
useless booklets

and the 'star highlight' of the day:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
after all the trouble i went thru taking the caps off for the picture, just tell me its cute at least okay??.. well, IT IS

so all in all.. was it worth it? for the freebies, TOTALLY.. information gathered? probably ZERO


i didnt have breakfast, i only had soup for lunch... so im gonna go ahead and treat myself and have pizza for dinner!... at sem and sam's place. haha. i like saying that. sem and sam. well, lina lives there too.. but whatever.


they said it changes when the sun goes down


Blogger N said...


2:37 AM  
Blogger soraya barakbah said...

yeeeeeeeahhh. kann.. eh wait. are u being sarcastic?

6:20 PM  

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