Tuesday, October 03, 2006

oh i wanna dance with somebody

yesterday there was a 'school disco' themed party at the gemini, then another one with people from all the other halls at the academy. soraya, being somewhat ignorant of course thought it was 60's disco and brought lots of beads over to bristol thinking that she'd have loads of stuff to choose from. . WRONG. haha
it was too late for me to shop for anything when i found out so i had to make do with what i had. and guess what. i wore a skirt! a pleated black skirt. a short one. and boots. nooo . haha. and no i did not buy myself a short skirt, someone loaned me one.

well no one bothered too hard so i was fine. at least i wore a shirt!. and no, im not going to show you how i look in a short skirt n boots. haha. im lucky u cant see from this photo. these are the people who's rooms are in my unit by the way. happy bunch.


i went shopping today! for some stuff for my room. black and red stuff, yeah go figure.
will post some pictures as soon as im done putting everything up. registered with the faculty today.
managed to get loads of stuff done.


today i met a guy from barbados and have finally heard the sexiest slang evaa!!.. if you dont know this already, let it be known that soraya loves guys who speak english with a distinct slang, that being not american or british. and well, it should sound kind of exotic and sexy. haha..
and this guy's slang.. is PERFECT.. wut do you call people from barbados anyways? barbadosians? barbadoso's? barbarians? .. but wutever. the barbados slang is beyooond sexy!
oh and theres a guy in my hall who looks and speaks almost exactly like shah rukh khan.


i just saw carlos on the webcam.. i miss my cats!!


oh could everyone just click on this link and please go vote for ajin! hehe.


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Location: petaling jaya, selangor not so ehsan

just a little dash of me could technicolour your whole world to shame
