Monday, March 29, 2010

your neck feels like tofu

today at singing practice, there was no singing.
instead, an american jazz pianist was invited to teach us,
about the basics of the alexander technique
which had nothing to do with music
well, i guess it does..
he called it 'learning how to live'.
alexander technique is about learning how to consciously alter your way of being and get out of our faulty habitual something something so that you're less tensed and use your body more efficiently,.
and this will eventually lead to...... better voice projection . amongst other things of course.
its about learning to let go.... consciously

just read about it here lah

hmmm, tmrw morning i shall consciously tell myself to stay longer in bed coz that way, ill use up waaaaaay less muscles and itll also help me relax and be less tensed.
i guess the session did me some good?

to find the site of said jazz pianist who currently teaches at ICOM but conducts alexander technique sessions and jazz piano lessons at his apartment during the weekend.
and contrary to what it says on his website, i do not think he resides in boulder colorado anymore?

even though we only had a short session with gabe, i think i might be a believer. hmmm


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