- its funny how pesto has come back into my life so quick, but this time in red. ive paired it with sambal abc too.
- lawyers night out at the epi tmrw but cant go as ill be in coventry. oh well, i had a 3 lawyers and a shorty night out yesterday. so thats that.
-just an answer to one of the questions posed in new radicals' 'someday we'll know'
new radicals: *what the wind says when she cries*
jimi hendrix: *the wind cries mary*
-yesterday sebastian saw someone with dreadlocks in the computer room. he thought i had gotten my hair done and started playing with the locks till the poor girl turned around and he realized it wasnt me.
-live jazz at the epi, monday night. pray sem finishes her work so theres someone from stoke bishop to come with me. oh wait, jazz walk is on monday night as well. either one will do. jazz soothes the soul
- leaving for coventry tmrw for warwick msa's malaysian night.
-dragon kiss serves a kickass malaysian buffet. even the service feels malaysian. the waitress kept giving us sharp looks and started clanging the plates when she came to clean our table coz we were the last ones there n refused to leave.. they wanted to clear the buffet spread.
-its kinda cute the way leonardo tries to put on a south african accent in blood diamond. he started out sounded british, and then irish and finally progressed to actually sounding like a south african. yaaa bruv
- i still wish they made big bird red. and oh lets have a super dooper flooper day !
- lawyers night out at the epi tmrw but cant go as ill be in coventry. oh well, i had a 3 lawyers and a shorty night out yesterday. so thats that.
-just an answer to one of the questions posed in new radicals' 'someday we'll know'
new radicals: *what the wind says when she cries*
jimi hendrix: *the wind cries mary*
-yesterday sebastian saw someone with dreadlocks in the computer room. he thought i had gotten my hair done and started playing with the locks till the poor girl turned around and he realized it wasnt me.
-live jazz at the epi, monday night. pray sem finishes her work so theres someone from stoke bishop to come with me. oh wait, jazz walk is on monday night as well. either one will do. jazz soothes the soul
- leaving for coventry tmrw for warwick msa's malaysian night.
-dragon kiss serves a kickass malaysian buffet. even the service feels malaysian. the waitress kept giving us sharp looks and started clanging the plates when she came to clean our table coz we were the last ones there n refused to leave.. they wanted to clear the buffet spread.
-its kinda cute the way leonardo tries to put on a south african accent in blood diamond. he started out sounded british, and then irish and finally progressed to actually sounding like a south african. yaaa bruv
- i still wish they made big bird red. and oh lets have a super dooper flooper day !
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