Sunday, January 21, 2007


give 'eleanor' a click to check out the friends ey?


why doesnt wagamama give normal spoons like other restaurants?
i suppose them people think its all japanese like and shit.
but seriously?
today was only my second time eating in wagamama
honestly, im not a fan of their food at all, and this has nothing to do with the senduk issue.
i LOVE japanese food, but wagamama just cant get japanese food right.

this section is dedicated to andi and buds

look what i got from this dude!.. all the way from jakartaa...

the amount of indomie he has in his room!.

remember us trying to cook 5 indomies with ur ricecooker coz we thought it would be faster and none of us could be bothered to use the stove? i thought it turned out quite tasty.

SAMBAL ABC!!!!... i miss miss miss!. he brought back like 20 bottles of these. finally someone in the uk who appreciates sambal abc

ok, this wasnt much of our thing since every mamak in msia had teh tarik, but this is still good shit considering the fact that all they have here is english tea. which i dont hate btw but teh tarik is so much better

i dont know where the other picture went but you know what he had in his fridge?

teh botol!!!
hahaha, remember buds wacko friend who had shitloads of it?
how come u guys never brought over any, friend said its a must for all indonesians who study in msia to have teh botol with them. oh well, not all apparently.

haih, good times.


absence makes the heart grow fonder. out of sight out of mind


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the guy from jakarta = classmate taylors yg i tak kenal. lol whats his name again?

10:57 PM  
Blogger soraya barakbah said...

haha.. pawan.. but i call him roshan. dont ask why. coz i dunno. haha

11:40 PM  

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