Wednesday, September 17, 2008

why dont you take me

tonight was quiet in my town, so what was there left to do but to play around with my msn display picture?.

first came this.


and then i got this:

~NicDGluT`~ says:
ish apa muka monyet...
~NicDGluT`~ says:
remove lar..
SORAYAjust- today is quiet in my town says:
SORAYAjust- today is quiet in my town says:
~NicDGluT`~ says:
ugly lar..

and also this:

azeem says:
i like this pic
SORAYAjust- today is quiet in my town says:
yea coz i look like a monkey right
azeem says:
ting ting ting
azeem says:
100 points
azeem says:
i say
azeem says:
i like it

tonight in my town got all quiet again, so next came this:


SORAYAjust- today is quiet in my town says:
is this a nicer monkeyface
SORAYAjust- today is quiet in my town says:
azeem says:
azeem says:
not monkey enuf
azeem says:
i prefer the other one

and then.....

~NicDGluT`~ says:
wel if u intend to look like a monkey thn d other one would b a clear winner
~NicDGluT`~ says:
im jus sayin d other pic is ugly..
~NicDGluT`~ says:
ur a pretty gal not a monkey bodoh

whoaaaaaaa O.o..
i was just playing around.
coz all was quiet in my town!

and so came the end of monkeywhatsherface.
but as some of you might already know, theres so much more where that came from
till then!

and remember,


they(we?) deserve some loving too


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Location: petaling jaya, selangor not so ehsan

just a little dash of me could technicolour your whole world to shame