Wednesday, April 16, 2008

ok so im flying back today

im sitting in the middle of my room trying to soak in everything around me.

my big big bed, my awesome wall, my books, my stuff, my guitars, my reds, my space and everything else that encompasses my room at home so that when i get back to my little box of a room back in england i can just close my eyes and imagine im back here for a little while. haha.

good thing im moving into a much bigger place next term.

ok shhh, i need to concentrate on all the details of my room.

arrgghh 13 hours of impending glooooom.
yeah i dont like plane rides.

so its like a flight back to the harsh harsh reality of my situation
major nose grinding time here i come ! (i shall make one day of exception which is the 28th of april, come on, u all know what that is right? haha)


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