Monday, January 14, 2008

term starts tmrw!!

and i cant wait!!!!!!!... yayyyy

haha who am i kidding?
bummer bummer bummer.


yesterday was a good night out at sublime.
i normally go to sublime to listen to live music every once in awhile.
they have different people playing everytime, which is a good thing but sometimes a few tend to play really cheesy covers.
lastnight we discovered that they now have a regular playing every wednesday n saturday. leaving monday night as open mic night.
i hoped n hoped n hoped that this 'alex taylor' would be good enough for me to want to listen to him alot of times

he gave a bad first impression coz he started an hour late.
but then again musicians are kinda always like that kan?. *sorry sorry*.
he kept goin onstage giving us false hope that he would start n walking off again. getting drinks, walking out of the place for a few mins etc.
i was starting to hate the guy already.

and then he started
and everything was forgotten
this guy was SUPERB
i especially loved his cover of the beatles' come together
im disappointed with how he sounds on myspace tho. so im not going to link him.
but you could always come visit me in bristol and we can spend our saturday night in sublime. :0)


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